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In Miri, we did not find individual homes that needed extra attention, instead, we located an entire village located on the riverside, not far from the centre of Miri city. This village is called Kampung Pasir and it is located in Lutong area. The community comprises of the Dayak tribe, and we met with the chief village, Encik Edward Mampo. 


They still do not have a completed facility such as a public hall for sports, meetings or where we can conduct our free tuitions. Our main concern is the cycle of poverty that is inevitable for the younger generation in this area. The village still has no access to electricity, instead they take shifts on generators.


One particular house that stood out was Encik Philip anak Saut, as soon as he saw us walk up to his house, he started crying his heart out. Not only that, he mentioned worrying statements throughout our interview and visit - as he has no more will to live. What we can do as a community is to extend external motivation and support. We will provide guidance for him on how to manage his finances to get back up on his feet. His house does not even have a door and a toilet.


We need funds for;

- subsidised tuition for the children

- basic school items needed

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