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FAM A.jpeg

Encik Liaw's household has 7 family members living in it. 5 of which are all currently studying in school. They are of mixed

race and speak fluent Sarawakian. They have adapted with the Malay community of Kampung Gita Kubor. 


We need funds for;


- transportation for the childrens' tuitions who are all currently in school inclusive of stationery 

- basic house utensils such as proper flooring ( house filled with holes everywhere), proper bathroom and kitchen utensils, 1 fan, 7 mattresses and 7 pillows.

- repair for stairs (all are broken and dangerous)


We will provide free;


- free financial education classes on budgeting by Bank Negara

- free tuition classes by Technology College Sarawak students

- support from community to repair building

- basic education on proper waste management and cleanliness of house area



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